Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Phone numbers

We're consolidating a few phone numbers: 360-383-0203 and 478-7841 are history.

If you're in the north Whatcom, use 647-2255.
If you're in Skagit, use 757-4455.

These changes will likely result in a decrease in your plumbing bill...NOT! It'll help, though.


New office in Burlington

We moved to 10943 Chuckanut Dr., Burlington, Wa. 98233! Right across the alley from the WSP!

The move will enable us to grow the business in a really nice office/shop within seconds of the freeway.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Saturday, July 3, 2010

We've incorporated!

As of July 1, 2010, we're Ball Plumbing, Inc.

P.K. Rugh is now the vice-president in charge of customer service. This is a badly needed change and one that will hopefully increase customer satisfaction.

Welcome Aboard, P.K.!

There are glitches involved in the switch over, but it should be okay really soon.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Complaint Department

We've added a page on the website for feedback; look for the "Feedback Department" link on top. Customers can now email P.K. Rugh directly with problems concerning Ball Plumbing:

P.K. Rugh is the new Vice President, but more on that later when all the state paperwork gets processed.

PK is a professional customer service manager with vast experience in the field. You'll like her.

P.S. Feedback isn't limited to complaining. If you're happy, let her know....

Monday, June 21, 2010

Ryan Stiles Celebrity Golf Classic

We're sponsoring 8 golf carts for Stiles' July 18th, 2010 charity golf tourney. It's for the Burned Children Fund, which I fully support.

Thursday, May 6, 2010