Showing posts with label Sedro-Woolley. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sedro-Woolley. Show all posts

Friday, November 29, 2013

Sedro-Woolley Septic Tank

This was a very, very old house that had the original cement sewer drain stubbing out of the foundation. From that point, it went to a Big Box thin walled drain pipe that isn't code for anything I know of (first picture.

Then, it connected to the original cement sewer sections that were crumbling for the last few decdes.

Then, it connected to 2" ABS drain.

Then, it was pushed into the concrete septic tank.

All in 15 feet.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Sedro-Woolley, Wa sewer Ball Plumbing

New sewer in Sedro-Woolley, Wa Ball Plumbing

Tuesday, July 29, 2008


A Grand Dame of Fairhaven, WA (95-year-old Lady) had broken a very valuable glass and most of it went down her disposal. She wasn't amused when it took me less than a minute to repair it, but at least I was able to salvage the unit, if not put the glass back together. I hope I'm as active, good-looking, and richer than her at 95. Well, I can sure rule out good-looking....:)

Did a water heater in Blaine, WA today. Darn thing was only 9 years old and the tank gave out. Of course, the homeowners were on vacation when it blew out, so the garage walls were damaged. It was a 50 gallon Bradford White water heater and I replaced it with the same. Not much choice up here for brands.

From there, I went to Sedro-Woolley, WA to a mobile home that had a broken PVC water main under the house. It took longer for the glue to dry than anything. Darn PVC, anyway.

So I went to a millionaire to a border town to a mobile home in a logging town....such is the life of a plumber!