Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Blaine Toto toilet

Once in a while, we get plumbing jobs that amaze us. This was a stoppage in the branch sewer caused by inadequate pipe wash down caused by a water saving Japanese toilet called Toto.

The toilet is gorgeous with a hidden tank in the wall that has no access to it. The Chicago tank has a 10 year warranty on parts, but I didn't see anything about labor coverage.

The toilet bowl hanger is rated for 350 pounds.

The water spot--the amount of water in the bowl--is about 2" in diameter and located in an odd spot. I didn't take a photo of it, but  in my world, it ain't enough.

Blaine, Wa Toto toilet

Toto toilet set up

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Ball Plumbing Prices and Services

We are 100% transparent in our prices and post them on the internet:

Here's the short version:

Ball Plumbing offer two ways to purchase our services: Fixed (Contract) or Time and Material (Hourly plus parts). It's your choice.

1. Fixed Price (Contract): Our plumber will give a written quote before work commences. The contract price includes parts, labor, service and estimate charge, everything except tax.

All quotes have to be on-site; no phone quotes. A $88.00 estimate fee applies.

2. *Time and Material (Hourly plus parts):
  • Monday-Friday, 8-5: $88.00/hour
  • Trip Charge: $45.00 (Charged daily)
  • After Hours/Weekend: $132.00/hour
  • Parts, equipment, and tax are extra.
  • Minimum Charge: $88.00 (1 hr) plus $45.00 (trip charge)= $133.00
There's a minimum charge of one hour plus trip charge on all jobs, thereafter work is charged in 15 minute increments.
All rates exclude the cost of materials and are subject to tax.
Charged to the closest 15 minutes.
Additional workers extra (also charged to the closest 15 minutes).
Trip Charge: Charged daily.
Hourly Rates: There's a minimum charge of one hour plus trip charge on all jobs, thereafter work is charged in 15 minute increments. All rates exclude the cost of materials and are subject to tax.
Extreme/Hazardous Conditions: $99.00/hour

Materials: Materials supplied by Ball Plumbing will be charged at our cost plus mark up.

Material Collection: Material collection labor cost for non-stock items will be kept to a minimum - any charge will be agreed with the customer in advance and not exceed $100.00 + tax.

Invoice: An invoice will always be produced clearly showing a full description of work carried out - time started/time finished, a full breakdown of the cost of labor and materials used.

Payment: Payment must be made in full by check, cash or credit card to the plumber upon receipt of invoice.

*Prices are subject to change without notice.

Other Charges

Hazard Pay: Before the job is started, the plumber may quote a higher rate due to extreme conditions. Company policy is to charge the overtime rate.

Estimate Charge: $55.00 (For standard estimates only. If the plumber has to crawl, dig, etc. hourly rates apply.)
Estimates are available from our plumbers on site. We are happy to make an appointment for a plumber to visit you. Estimates will incur a charge depending on the nature of the work, the area and the time of the appointment. If the plumber has to crawl, dig, etc. hourly rates apply.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Ferndale, Wa Copper Pipe Water Leak

This water leak was under a house about 75' from the crawlspace entrance. I replaced the section of that bad pipe and got the family its water back in a reasonable amount of time.

Ferndale, Wa Copper Pipe

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Mt Vernon, Wa Apartment Complex

Sometimes, being a plumber entails hard work, long hours, and nerve wracking complications. These pics are from a job at an old customer who removed some big trees between his big apartment buildings. Evidently, the stump removal shook loose all sorts of nasty handyman repairs that we were able to fix. Until.....

the final leak. We had a backhoe gently digging back to the next leak (4 all told) when yours truly ripped a tee out of the ground. The kicker was that this section was 2" copper pipe in the middle of 2" pvc. The copper tee broke off in the worst possible spot in an already bizarre angle. We had to use the end of a shower curtain rod to temporarily plug the leak.

I came back the next day and used propress technology to install a 2" shut-off (yea!) and tee and hook everything back up. The pvc was coming out at a weird angle so we right-angled it together. There will be a vault there, so if the pvc gives, it won't be an issue.

Tough job for everyone, but it got did.

Broken 2" copper pipe Mt. Vernon, Wa
Fixed 2" copper pipe with shut-off

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Bellingham Plumbers

I hope everyone had a relaxing Bellingham Labor Day and many thanks to all who worked through the holiday.

In honor of local Bellingham plumbers and the labor we do, here's a few pictures:

Bellingham plumbers
Bellingham plumber apprentice

Hand Dug Pit Bellingham
Hand Dug Pit Bellingham

Friday, August 30, 2013

Difference in toilet flushes

Here's a few quick vids of what a bad flush is compared to a cheap good flush.

The bad flush is a new Kohler toilet that we replaced with a much cheaper toilet that actually works. In fact, the Kohler toilet cost as much as our entire installation including parts, labor and tax!

Kohler toilet in Mt. Vernon, Wa
Bad Flush

Good Flush in Mt. Vernon, Wa
Good Flush

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Sudden Valley Toilets

Another 1970s-era dies in Bellingham's Sudden Valley neighborhood! Black toilets never really caught on.

Sudden Valley, Wa old black toilet
Black Toilet

New toilet Sudden Valley, Wa
New toilet