Sunday, August 11, 2013

Here's another water service replacement--the pipe that brings your water from the street to your house--in Bellingham, Washington.

We tried to find the leak on this one because that tree is 250' tall and its roots are just as big. The problem was the tree roots were within inches of the meter and spread out pretty much the whole yard.

We ended up replacing the line. Tough job, this one.

Bellingham Wa water pipe ditch

plumber working

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Water leak in wall in Mt. Vernon, WA

This is one of those foreclosure homes that the tenants (not the owners) are living rent free until the bank figures it out. The leak got bad, though, and the tenants had to get it repaired.

We had to remove the water heater to get to it and then we replaced both hot and cold risers, while it was out.

water leak in wall Mt Vernon, WA

repaired water leak in wall Mt Vernon, WA

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Drain Stoppage Bellingham WA

On this job, it was easier to cut the 80 year old pipes out than try to snake them. This part of the job took an hour as opposed to trying to clear the stoppage from upstairs.

Clogged drain in Bellingham WA

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Old toilet in Bellingham, WA

Here's a toilet that has become super rare, mostly because of the price of water. Or to quote Lake Whatcom Water & Sewer: "It's not the water that's expensive, it's the sewage charges you get when you use the water."

This toilet is in a house that's has a flat rate for usage because it doesn't have a water meter yet. By 2014, it will have a meter and you can bet this old toilet will be replaced real quick.

Anyway, this American Standard toilet was manufactured on January 31, 1935, as stamped in the lid. It's 78 1/2 years old.

Old Bellingham Wa toilet lid

Old Bellingham Wa toilet

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Bellingham Wildlife

Plumbers encounter some dangerous critters in our travels around Whatcom County. These two are ferocious hunters that were stalking me in Sudden Valley and Fairhaven. Luckily, they gave me a pass.

In memory of Dianna Hanson 

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Sudden Valley, Wa Water Pipe

This was a bad leak that made the water meter spin like crazy. After digging a new 150 foot ditch from the meter to the house, we never saw a drop of water from the leak. Sudden Valley---Whatcom County---has its peculiarities, to be sure.