Wednesday, May 1, 2019

The tub drain was a little slow....

Size perspective isn't that good, but that mess is 12" x 3". I was able to get it out with a minimum of fuss. This time.

Bellingham tub stoppage

Saturday, April 20, 2019

Friday, April 19, 2019

Ball Plumbing is now Barkley Plumbing!

I always hated that name Ball Plumbing.

In honor of Barkley Village and its emergence as a great Bellingham neighborhood, I've changed Ball Plumbing to Barkley Plumbing.

Phone number and website will remain the same.


Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Updated website info

I updated the website info. Sorry about the confusion. The internet still has the old info, but most of those sites want money to change the data, so those changes ain't gonna happen anytime soon.

Friday, March 29, 2019

Plumber home alone

Many people let me work while they leave. That doesn't mean I'm not watched  by some scary guards:

Bellingham Guard Dog vs Robert the Plumber

Bellingham Guard Dog vs Size 14 Shoe

But some guards do totally trust me:

Bellingham Guard Cats vs Nap

Thursday, March 14, 2019

old school ro system bellingham wa

new ro system bellingham wa

I installed the second unit with some drain repiping. Much more efficent with far less water connections.

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

low water pressure in Bellingham Wa

This pebble was restricting flow into the building. Probably got there from the new water meter install in Bellingham, but what do I know. Fixed it and it's a done deal.